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Useful Photoshop KeyStrokes

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October 1, 2013

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We’ll be opening and closing and saving for almost every single document that we work on. By memorizing these you will be saving your selves a lot of clicks.

Obviously there are tons more. It is up to the designer to decide which ones will save you the most time. I believe that the key strokes that I have listed below are the most useful ones that everyone should know. If I remember some more then I will add them on this page.

New File: CTRL+N
Open File: CTRL+O
Save File: CTRL+S
Save As: Shift+CTRL+S
Save for Web: Shift+Alt+CTRL+S
Print: CTRL+P

Next are the Edit Menu keystrokes. You must know these in order to become an efficient photoshop artist.

Step Backwards: ALT+CTRL+Z
Step Forward: Shift+CTRL+Z
Copy: CTRL+C
Paste: CTRL+V
Free Transform: CTRL+T


Merge Down: CTRL+E
Select All: CTRL+A
Deselect: CTRL+D
Inverse Selection: CTRL+SHIFT+I
Repeat Last Used Filter: CTRL+F
Brushes Palette: F5
Color Palette: F6
Layers Palette: F7
Zoom in: Ctrl+”+”
Zoom out: Ctrl+”-”

Switch between foreground and background colors: X
The following are some important “unofficial” keystrokes:

Levels: Alt I-A-L
Feather: Alt S-F
Image Size: Alt I-I
Crop: Alt I-P
Stroke: Alt E-S

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